Azure Accenerate workshop AZ-103

Cikkszám: SQL-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1 Kategória:


Óraszám: 2 nap; 16 óra

Minimum létszám: 8 fő

A képzés nyelve: magyar/angol

Tandíj: 135.000 Ft /fő + ÁFA


A képzés rövid leírása:
This course was designed for Azure Administrators who manage cloud services that span storage, security, networking, and compute cloud capabilities. During this course, students will gain a deep understanding of each service across the full IT lifecycle, and take requests for infrastructure services, applications, and environments. Students will learn which services to use for optimal performance and scale, as well as provision, size, monitor, and adjust resources as appropriate. This course combines the skills covered in AZ-100 and AZ-101, with the majority of these coming from AZ-100.

Képzési tematika:

  • Course Content: Manage Azure subscriptions and resources
  • Manage Azure subscriptions • Analyze resource utilization and consumption
  • Manage resource groups
  • Managed role-based access control (RBAC) Implement and manage storage
  • Create and configure storage accounts
  • Import and export data to Azure
  • Configure Azure files
  • Implement Azure backup Deploy and manage virtual machines (VMs)
  • Create and configure a VM for Windows and Linux
  • Automate deployment of VMs
  • Manage Azure VM
  • Manage VM backups Configure and manage virtual networks
  • Create connectivity between virtual networks
  • Implement and manage virtual networking
  • Configure name resolution
  • Create and configure a Network Security Group (NSG)
  • Implement Azure load balancer
  • Monitor and troubleshoot virtual networking
  • Integrate on premises network with Azure virtual network Manage identities
  • Manage Azure Active Directory (AD)
  • Manage Azure AD objects (users, groups, and devices)
  • Implement and manage hybrid identities
  • Implement multi-factor authentication (MFA)

Belépési feltétel:

Students should have proficiency in using PowerShell, the Command Line Interface, Azure Portal, ARM templates, operating systems, virtualization, cloud infrastructure, storage structures, and networking.

Igazolás: Tanúsítvány


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