Using Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control 12c
565150 Ft – 571500 Ft
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Óraszám: 3 nap; 24 tanóra
Minimum létszám: 8 fő
A képzés nyelve: magyar
Tandíj: 509.040 Ft /fő + ÁFA
A képzés rövid leírása:
A tanfolyam egy alapozó kurzus. Szakértő oktatónk interaktív módon, hands-on gyakorlatok segítségével ismerteti meg Önt az Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control 12c lényeges és alapvető funkcióival. Felfedezi, hogy az Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control 12c segítségével hogyan növelheti vállalatában az IT menedzsment folyamatok és a felhő alapú transzformáció hatékonyságát.
Képzési tematika:
- Course overview
- Key Challenges for Administrators
- What Is Enterprise Manager Cloud Control?
- Built-in and Integrated Manageability
- Configuration Management
- This Course in Context
- Course Schedule
- Classroom Setup
Reviewing Enterprise Manager Core Concepts
- Review Oracle Enterprise Manager architecture
- Agent Installation and Target Discovery
- Describing Different Target Types
- Monitoring Cloud Control
- Security (very high level)
- Managing Securely with Credentials
Managing and Monitoring Enterprise Manager Cloud Control
- Viewing Log Files and Trace Files
- Controlling Cloud Control components
- Configuring Alerts and Notifications
- Backup and Recovery: Repository, OMS and OMA
Monitoring Targets
- System Monitoring
- Oracle-Provided Monitoring
- Metric Thresholds and Settings
- Corrective Actions
- Using Monitoring Templates
- Receiving Alerts and Notifications
- Blackouts
- Metric Extensions
Managing Hosts
- Monitor the Host OS
- Monitor and Manage All Hosts
- Monitor an Individual Host
- Administering Network Components
Managing Groups
- Administering Network Components
- Manage targets with groups
- Define and distinguish Enterprise Manager groups
- Create groups
- Perform group management tasks
- Define administration groups and a group hierarch
- Define and use template collections
- Apply template modifications
Managing Systems and Services
- Workflow for Systems and Services
- Define and administer systems
- Viewing the System Topology
- Define and creating services
- Define and monitor the availability of a service
- Discuss the use of beacons
- Define and monitor service levels
- Specifying Service Level Rule Elements
Using the Job System
- What Is a Job?
- Core Concepts and Tasks
- Distinguish predefined jobs for your user-defined ones
- Create and manage jobs of different types
- Creating a Multi-Task Job
- Use the job library
- Enable job notifications
- View job activity
Managing Incidents
- Define and manage incidents
- Perform incident lifecycle operations: Assign, acknowledge, prioritize, track status, escalate, suppress
- Distinguish incidents and problem
- Monitor Oracle software problems
- Use incident rule sets (which replace notification rules)
- Describe the processing priority of rules and notifications
Patching and Provisioning
- Software life-cycle management
- Provisioning and patching
- Software library
- Use Deployment Procedure Manager
- Deployment procedures and use cases
- Bare metal provisioning
Managing Configurations
- What Is Configuration Management?
- Viewing Configurations
- Comparing Configurations
- Searching the Enterprise Configuration
- Client Configuration
- Client System Analyzer in Cloud Control
Managing Compliance
- Compliance Management
- Define compliance management: framework, standards, and rules
- Describe the predefined compliance functionality
- Assign compliance standards to targets
- View the results
- Evaluate compliance levels
Producing and Using Enterprise Manager reports
- Information Publisher
- Using Oracle-Provided Reports
- Reporting on Targets
- Workflow for Creating EM Reports
- Schedule, save, and email reports
- Enterprise Manager Reports Web Site
Belépési feltételek:
Korábbi Oracle Database 12c üzemeltetési ismeret és gyakorlat, SQL/PL/SQL ismeretek, Linux alapismeretek. A tananyagok angol nyelvűek, ezért legalább alapfokú dokumentumolvasás-szintű angol nyelvismeret szükséges.
Igazolás: Tanúsítvány
További információk
Indulás | 2019.11.07., 2020.01.08., 2020.04.16. |